Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Addison's 1 year and 1 week

I was so ambitions a year ago. "I'll keep a journal of her first year." Well that didn't really happen, because life happened. Now Addison's a year old and we have lots of pictures so I guess that will have to do.

So I'll try now to keep a record of Addison and what she's like, up until now she's had personality, but now she's got attitude. Addison is, generally - when not teething, so happy. She is content to play by herself or with other kids, or animals. She loves outside, especially leaves and rocks. She loves to go to restaurants. She loves animals, she'll chase them down and give them bear hugs. She loves music, when she hears music there's a little switch that comes on that makes her rock back and forth, her little dance. She has no teeth, although we're pretty sure that there are some coming in now. She can take a few steps, when she wants to, but mostly she would rather crawl - she can get there faster. When she does walk she never falls she walks very carefully until she's going to loose her balance, she stops and steadies herself and then decides that walking is just isn't cutting it, drops to her knees and crawls. She likes to talk on the phone. She likes to use pots and pans and a ladel or whisk. She likes books. She likes veggies. When she gets mad she throws her head back and cries or lays flat on the floor as though she can't go on living. She likes to climb stairs. She can go down the stairs, but that's more work so it's usually down 4 then back up. She usually sleeps through the night. She knows her Daddy and crawls her fastest when the kids at daycare say "Addison's Daddy's here!" Daddy gets his time between picking her up and the time Mom gets home, if Mom's early the next time she'll want Dad is usually for her last bottle of the night. She plays with her hair when she's drinking a bottle, not that there's much hair to play with. If she can play with Mom's hair she does. She pulls Devion's hair. She folds her hands during prayers and laughs at everyone with their eyes closed. Sometimes she says Amen.