Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pee Pee in the Toilet

Only when speaking of a toddler is it super exciting that peeing is going on in the toilet. I mean it's always a good to pee in the toilet, I can't think of a better place to pee really. But when thus far the only places that peeing has gone on is in a diaper, on my bed or in the bathtub, it's quite exciting. A couple of days ago Addison said potty and I put her on the toilet, mostly she just sat there. Tonight before she got in the bath I asked if she wanted to potty, I put her on the toilet and she peed! We were so excited, I called several people to tell them. I never thought I be so excited about toilet activites.

In other news:
She has learned to climb onto the kitchen chairs, this is bad, she's going to fall of one and crack her head open.
She's learned how to open the baby gate, but she knows how to open it but can't open it yet.
She has 4 teeth.
She says "hey guys" (we just need to teach her "hey you guys!" that would be awesome)

That's all for now.