Sunday, August 31, 2008

Catching up

So I've been terrible about writing. Addison and I took a trip to the Bay Area at the end of July. It was the most challenging trip on an airplane with Addison. We've traveled since she was 7 weeks, 6 months, 13 months, and now at 17 months, this was definately the toughest time on the plane because she's much more independent and mobile. But we had a good time it was fun.
Cheech and Addison became friends during our trip. She is such a walker and a runner. She also repeats everything. She learned to say "Hi Cheech" or Hi to whoever she's talking to. She'd said Hi before and she'd said names before, but she put the hi and the name together.

She played in the pool and was enjoying hanging out with the Glavan's.
Also Devion's back and Addison loves him. They're pretty cute don't you think?

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